You have stirred to a world you never again perceive, loaded up with unexplainable murkiness and overpowering frenzy. A frightening end times has brought forth beasts whose simple presence will take the mental stability from what survives from mankind.
To be God is to be frantic.
~ Aharon
Extend your home, kill eldritch revulsions, and battle against debasement and frenzy. Win the hearts of delightful ladies whose adoration will be the main beam of trust in the profundities of the haze. Privileged insights outside the ability to comprehend of humans hold on to be revealed, yet would you say you are certain you need to figure out reality? All things considered, obliviousness is euphoria.
In our current reality where passing is only the start of your wretchedness, how might you be certain what great and abhorrent even mean? What calls the shots in this manikin theater of frenzy? Take a look behind the shroud of the real world and acknowledge how genuinely uninformed you really were!