Cross, The Shapeshifter’s Legacy, is a dream-themed game, which will follow a youthful exceptional student of history, as she makes her most memorable strides outside her old neighborhood and into this present reality, to become familiar with the slippery idea of her own sort, the shapeshifters. Will she become an individual from the Mage society, or of the Adventurer’s society? Will she figure out more about her legacy, or will she be too bustling working additional time in shabby bars to earn enough to pay the rent?
The game will include a few groups, each with its own objectives and targets. With your activities, you could enthusiastically or unwittingly benefit either bunch, as the situation unfurls, yet the open-world nature of the game will surrender it to you if you have any desire to get more engaged with the governmental issues of the world, or on the other hand if you need to simply do whatever you might want to do.