Astounding and simultaneously, an unusual story was told to me by an old colleague by correspondence. He told me of when he was only a straightforward person, longing for a youthful female tissue. Be that as it may, because of the tempest of occasions, where he was projected, he wound up at a lamentable end. His introduction to the world was covered in secret, and his objectives were that of a straightforward man. His childhood could be the jealousy of all. In any case, to survive his fate and bear its whole, is even past my power. He will recount a story about the understudies who completely changed him. Furthermore, he has numerous ladies who he met, and who have changed his destiny. We are going to bring an undertaking into an otherworldly world, that has not seen a wild revelry since the fall of the Charming Society. The old enchanted school, that over totally esteemed virtue and purity. Furthermore, we likewise catch wind of a youthful specialist, who became fed up with old witches, and who longed for youthful and guiltless witches… The time has come to raise our sails! On-wards to Hogwarts!