The story follows Kathleen, a down-on-her-karma young lady caught on a similar jail transport highlighted in the comic No way out! Thrown inside one of the VR cases the story appears to be over before it has even begun… Until she unexpectedly finds support from a secretive promoter! Presently Kathleen is compelled to plunge into a wide range of obscene and rubbery reenactments with the end goal to get away from her dilemma! However, be careful, these recreations are intended to transform even the most persistent young ladies into compliant elastic pets… Could you at any point assist Kathleen with exploring the risks of the reenactments, or will you make her succumb to a wide range of unusual terrible finishes? One way or another in the event that you like plastic, elastic, weighty subjugation, dollifcation, non-endlessly con dangers, or potentially rubbery changes then this is the best game for you!
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