Somewhere inside timberland, a voice shouts to the legend.
It is there that he runs into Omaylas, the Dark Magic Queen, and one of the commanders of the Demon Lord.
Detained in the backwoods, she offers to make a solemn vow to the legend in return for her opportunity,
regardless of whether it implies confronting execution in the capital.
Is there a mysterious plan for her activities? It ultimately depends on you,
the legend to choose in this dream experience visual novel from an engineer, DessertTheory
Quite a while back, a gathering of legends killed the Demon Lord who had been threatening the land. While some similarity to harmony was won, it was not without extraordinary penance. What’s more, even with the Demon Lord crushed, some of the evil presence commanders that served under him figured out how to escape with some even actually causing ruin. To carry genuine harmony to individuals of the conflict-torn mainland, explorers ventured to every part of the land to bring down the excess evil presence of commanders.
Then, at that point, at some point, the legend gets word from the explorers’ organization about a huge enchantment power radiating from remote timberland. While examining the timberland, a secretive female voice shouts to the legend.
“We probably won’t have met previously, yet you ought to have heard bits of gossip about me, no?”
Remaining before the legend, was a delightful lady, with streaming red hair. More than that, the one who remained before him was Omaylas, Dark Magic Queen and one of the evil presence commanders of the Demon Lord! Shackled by otherworldly powers, she lets the legend know that she was detained in the woods for defying the Demon Lord and not joining the battle against the legend. While the general thought puzzles the legend, he is additionally astounded when she lets him know that she will make a solemn vow to the legend, to liberate her from this mystical jail. She is in any event, ready to be taken to the funding to be executed for even that is a fair value as opposed to being locked away perpetually by the enchanted powers that tight spot her.
While the legend has zero faith in Omaylas, his honorable code keeps him from leaving her there. However, he is unexpectedly loaded up with disarray and uncertainty. Some place in his murky recollections, a new female shows up before him…
What occurred between these alleged opponents?