Mind control

Magical Family Laboratory [v0.35] [LMDC]

Milf Lab(Magical Family:Laboratory)MC needs to make a group of superheroes under his own influence.He has a research center and has created improvement drugs, yet he wants somebody to play out the upg...

Bite: Season One [v0.17] [Blue Dragon Studios]

“This story is exhausting about a kid’s life, where he battles to earn enough to pay the bills with his temporary occupation at an inexpensive food joint by which he pays his school charge...

Ring of Lust [v0.4.8a] [Votan]

“Ring of Desire” is a grown-up experience where you play for Bill, a young fellow that moved to the place of your dad’s new spouse. The game revolved around the foundation of associa...

Symphony of the Void [v0.32] [Mad Doc]

Jeevan Dre’allis is an individual from the first class dim elven unit known as Phantoms – specialists of the Sanctuary of Xana-Rhoa, filling in as professional killers, spies, and saboteur...

High School Of Succubus [v1.70] [Two succubi]

You are the succubus and you have an errand to ruin your objective to get done with the course. The beginning of the game is a visual novel sort however at that point it changes. Our game is definitel...

Mythic Manor [v0.20 Fixed] [Jikei]

Mythic Estate is a free grown-up intelligent visual novel game that contributes to another home and another world. Dig profound into your dreams and experience the everyday existence of imparting an e...

Shut Up and Dance [Ep.9 Ch.2 SE] [Boring Games]

Quiet Down and Dance” is the tale of a young fellow’s life getting really ugly and everything going downhill in a moment. A darling individual bites the dust under suspect conditions and i...

Divine Adventure [v1.2] [Masquerade]

You play as a young man (progress in years left to client decision due to patreon rules) who is decided to be the following divine force of obliteration in universe 7 following the exile of both Beeru...

Summer of Shame [v0.36] [Logan Scodini]

You are frantic, and should procure a late spring temporary job or hazard being ousted from the College’s Business Program. Luckily, you have figured out how to find a situation at Voluptas, a p...